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Contemporary cultural circumstances, including the struggle for and attainment of gay marriage equality, and specific elements of the depiction of bromance in movies and television separate it from buddy films, as well as historic romantic friendships, which reflect a different social construction.Its emergence as a distinctive conceptual genre and theme in the movie and television industry is seen as reflective of a 'broader acceptance of non- heteronormative cultural expressions as well as the prospect of a same-sex intimacy that transcends matters of sexual orientation'.The increased closeness goes beyond being mere friends, to a deep bond that has been characterized as capturing the conceptual edge of 'is gay / is not gay'. Bromance conveys a male homosocial relationship that goes much further than traditional homosocial practices.Several characteristics of bromance have been cited:

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The emergence of bromance as a topic over the past decade has been seen as reflecting how society has collectively changed its perception and interest in the theme. Bromance has been examined from viewpoints such as historiography, discourse analysis, social research, and queer theory in book-length reviews.

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